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Jeffrey Epstein's 'madam' Ghislaine Maxwell is pictured just days after secretly meeting Prince Andrew at Buckingham Palace in June
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of MSN News

MSN News, November 25, 2019
Posted: December 9th, 2019

Pictures have emerged of Ghislaine Maxwell, the woman who introduced Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein, just days after her most recent meeting with the beleaguered royal. Ms Maxwell, the woman accused of procuring underage girls for Epstein, was pictured hobnobbing at a high-class social event in Geneva on June 8. Just two days earlier, she had visited Prince Andrew at Buckingham Palace in what sources have claimed was a meeting to discuss the case against Epstein. Ms Maxwell, the daughter of disgraced newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell, has gone off the radar since the scandal emerged. She denies being Epstein's 'madam'. Prince Andrew, 59, met up with Maxwell, 57, who is an old friend of his, on June 6 inside the Prince's private Palace quarters. She then set off on the Cash & Rocket charity motoring rally from London to Monaco. She was conspicuously absent from publicity photographs taken during the high-profile event, and all reference to her was later deleted from the rally's website. Maxwell's involvement in the rally is thought to be the last time she visited the UK, before her disappearance from public view amid the FBI inquiry into her links with Epstein. During his disastrous BBC interview last week, Andrew was asked when he last saw Ms Maxwell. 'It was earlier this year funnily enough, in the summer, in the spring, summer She was here doing some rally,' he replied. It was later reported she was one of five people who visited the Prince.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on Jeffrey Epstein from reliable major media sources.

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