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Jesuits to Elect a New 'Black Pope'
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Time Magazine

Time Magazine, January 4, 2008
Posted: January 6th, 2014,8599,1700157,00...

Just down the block from St. Peter's Square, church elders though not all so old, and without a Cardinal among them have begun gathering for a closed-door meeting to elect the man dubbed the "black pope." That's the moniker historically assigned to the leader of the Jesuit order: for the color of the simple priestly vestments he keeps on wearing, for his lifetime posting, and for the planetary influence he carries. Though more recently established, more traditionalist movements and religious orders such as Opus Dei and the Legionaries of Christ have gotten more attention of late, the Jesuits are still far and away the largest clerical order in the Church. The election for the latest successor of St. Ignatius, the 16th century founder of the Jesuits, will take place in the days following [the] opening of the 35th General Congregation, a meeting of 226 delegates elected from the order's geographical "provinces" around the world. The voting begins only after four days of what in Latin is called "murmuratio" or private discussions among the delegates about necessary requisites and possible candidates for the job. Anyone showing any sign of ambition is automatically disqualified. Then, after a prayer to the Holy Spirit and oath of allegiance, the voting is carried out with secret written ballots. Like the Cardinal electors in a papal conclave, the Jesuit delegates will be considering candidates' prayerfulness, leadership and organizational capacity, language skills and geography. The order was founded with a special mission to directly serve the Pontiff, and has been dubbed the "Pope's cavalry," engendering suspicion in the past of conspiracies and secret powers.

Note: For an inside scoop on the deeper power of the "black pope" and the powerful role he plays, click here.

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