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Los Alamos schools have highest vaccine exemption rate
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Albuquerque Journal (One of New Mexico's leading newspapers)
Posted: March 27th, 2016
The tally is in. The major New Mexico school district with the largest percentage of students opting out of vaccinations against contagious diseases is ... in New Mexicos, and one of the worlds, science centers: Los Alamos. According to a recent report by the state Department of Health, 2.3 percent of students in the Los Alamos Public Schools have exemptions from having to get vaccinations. Thats a higher percentage than in the public schools of our New Age-friendly and alternative thought capitals of Santa Fe and Taos. The statewide average is less than 1 percent. The rating for Los Alamos seems demographically in line with the findings of a 2014 survey by the Health Department of 794 vaccine-exemptor parents 74 percent were Anglo and 67 percent had at least four years of college. Many people in Los Alamos dont just have college degrees theyre scientists, with lots of degrees. Los Alamos National Laboratory in fact has done some heavy research on infectious disease and development of an HIV vaccine. Thats a curiosity, said Los Alamos schools superintendent Gene Schmidt of his districts relatively high rate of vaccination exemptions among what he called a pretty scientific and literate community. So whats the deal with higher education levels correlating with vaccine exemptions, which New Mexico allows for medical reasons certified by a physician or for religious beliefs?
Note: Isn't it fascinating that Los Alamos, where top secret government labs proliferate, is the place where parents don't get their children vaccinated? For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing vaccine controversy news articles from reliable major media sources.