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Why youll never know if your doctor is a sex abuser
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)

Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper), September 22, 2016
Posted: July 15th, 2018

Medical regulators pledge that patient protection is their central mission. As part of that focus, their websites provide information to the public about doctors. But in most states, patients will have a difficult time finding out if their doctors have been disciplined for sexual abuse or other violations. No state provides complete and accurate information on every doctor. Some obstacles to that are intentional. They are the result of state laws that tie regulators hands, agreements negotiated with doctors attorneys, or concerns about harming a doctors practice. Maryland investigated Dr. Joshua R. Mitchell III in 2005 after a complaint that he had sexually violated a patient. The board learned that the Baltimore police sex-crimes unit had investigated a similar complaint from another patient. The medical board wrapped up its 2005 investigation with a private letter advising Mitchell to offer a chaperone during breast and pelvic exams. Then in January 2010, a patient reported Mitchell raped her. The boards website didnt provide any information to the public until May 2010. Illinois and Wyoming post only summaries of disciplinary actions, which may not detail violations. Arkansas and both of Oklahomas boards require the public to file requests for disciplinary orders, and Oklahoma requires a fee. In contrast: Maine not only posts orders but provides a phone number for patients to find out if non-disciplinary action has been taken against a doctor.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on sexual abuse scandals and health.

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