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'This is about saving capitalism': the Dutch historian who savaged Davos elite
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Posted: March 4th, 2019
Rutger Bregman had not really intended to stick it to the global elite. But when the Dutch historian decided to go off-piste at the World Economic Forum and tell the assembled billionaires they should stop avoiding paying tax, he became an overnight social media sensation. Its been a crazy week and just for stating the obvious, said Bregman, when asked about a panel discussion at the WEF last month in which he said the issue was taxes, taxes, taxes, and all the rest is bullshit in my opinion. Bregman had not been to Davos before. He was invited on the basis of the book Utopia for Realists, which argued for a basic income and a shorter working week. But he grew more irritated as the week wore on. He was surprised and maddened by the pushback when he mentioned tax. As a result, Bregman decided to change his plan for a panel on inequality. What Bregman said, put simply, was the Davos emperors have no clothes. They talk a lot about how something must be done about inequality and the need to address social unrest, but cavil at the idea they might be a big part of the problem. He told his audience that people in Davos talked about participation, justice, equality and transparency, but nobody raises the issue of tax avoidance and the rich not paying their share. It is like going to a firefighters conference and not talking about water. As a historian, Bregman noted the most successful period for capitalism occurred in the years after the second world war, when the top rate of tax in the US was above 90%.
Note: This historian later confronted Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who had a few choice dirty words for him. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on income inequality and corporate corruption.
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