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UK sets new wind power record as turbines deliver 14 gigawatts for first time 37 per cent of nation's electricity
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers), March 17, 2018
Posted: April 8th, 2018

Wind power in the UK set a new record today by generating 14 gigawatts for the first time nearly 37 per cent of the the countrys electricity. The National Grid control room confirmed that 13.9 gigawatts was the highest ever metered wind output. At 10am on Saturday Wind generated 13.9GW, or 36.9 per cent of the UKs electricity, increasing to 14GW by 11am. The previous record was 13.6GW in January this year. By contrast gas generated only 8.5GW (23 per cent), nuclear 6.5GW (17.3 per cent), coal just 4.7GW (12.5 per cent) and both solar and biomass 1.5GW (4.1 per cent). Hydro came last with 0.3GW or 0.9 per cent. Wind farms produced a record 15 per cent of Britains electricity in 2017, up from 10 per cent in 2016. Dr Iain Staffell of Imperial College said: The dramatic increase comes from both higher wind speeds and a jump in installed capacity. Several large offshore farms came online and onshore wind had a record year for deployment.

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