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John F. Kennedy Assassination Videos
Collection of Best Videos on JFK Assassination

The John F. Kennedy assassination videos below are among the very best and most revealing available on the Internet. You owe it to yourself to explore the deeper truths behind this tragic event. These videos and documentaries come from reliable sources, yet raise serious questions about who really killed John F. Kennedy. Thanks for caring.

JFK Assassination Video #1 : History Channel (5-minute clip)

JFK Assassination Video #2 : History Channel's Banned Segment (45 minutes)

JFK Assassination Video #3 : NBC Affiliate's JFK: An Unsolved Murder (48 min)

JFK Assassination Video #4 : Secret Service Standdown (3-minute clip)

JFK Assassination Video #5 : A Study in Deception: Zapruder Film (two video clips)

JFK Assassination Video #6 : The Men Who Killed Kennedy (all 9 episodes)

JFK Assassination Video #1: History Channel's Men Who Killed Kennedy (Clip)

The History Channel produced an excellent, nine-part Kennedy assassination video documentary titled The Men Who Killed Kennedy. This five-minute clip from the series shows Oswald killer Jack Ruby talking about the real powers behind the assassination, Colonel Fletcher Prouty (chief of operation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under John Kennedy) revealing a "high echelon of power" behind the assassination, and more. - five-minute video clip

Note: A DVD set of the first six episodes of this highly revealing History Channel documentary was once available at this link. You can verify this by using the Internet Archive at this link. How strange that the set is not available for the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. You can still find copies for sale on at this link.

JFK Assassination Video #2: History Channel's Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 9)

Of the History Channel's revealing nine-part Kennedy assassination video documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, part nine may be the most revealing and certainly is the most controversial of the nine segments. This video starts with Lyndon Johnson's attorney stating categorically that Johnson murdered Kennedy to become president and to avoid prison. Johnson's confirmed mistress also states that he "knew about the assassination and was part of it." History Channel was banned from selling or airing this segment again due to a lawsuit by the Johnson family. - 45-minutes

JFK Assassination Video #3: NBC Affiliate's JFK: An Unsolved Murder

San Francisco NBC affiliate KRON produced a powerful John F. Kennedy assassination video documentary titled JFK: An Unsolved Murder. This carefully researched documentary raises many serious questions that have been swept under the rug, including serious problems with the transfer of Kennedy's casket and his autopsy. Eye witnesses claim serious manipulation on film. - 48-minute video

JFK Assassination Video #4: Secret Service Standdown

Did you know that secret service agents tasked with protecting John F. Kennedy with their bodies were called off from the back of presidential limousine just minutes before the assassination? Watch the revealing clip below to see this in footage taken on that fateful day. - three-minute video clip

JFK Assassination Video #5: A Study in Deception: Zapruder Film

The two videos below together show how our eyes can be deceived and very strange coincidences can lead to false conclusions. Watch the first video showing the famous Zapruder footage of the Kennedy assassination and you may come to the conclusion that the driver of John F. Kennedy's limousine on that fateful day was the assassin. But wait! Now watch the second video which gives an alternative view. - 3 minute clip - four-minute clip

JFK Assassination Video #6: The Men Who Killed Kennedy

The History Channel's documentary series The Men Who Killed Kennedy is by far the most exhaustive, penetrating video examination of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The title of the series shows that the makers of this documentary had no doubt that the official story was false, that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone gunman who killed Kennedy. The first segment alone presents undeniable evidence of a major conspiracy, supported by direct, reliable witness reports. Video copies of all nine episodes of the powerful series are available at any of the links below.

All nine episodes available here, here, and here.

Note: A DVD set of the first six episodes of this highly revealing History Channel documentary was once available at this link. You can verify this by using the Internet Archive at this link. How strange that the set is not available for the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. You can still find copies for sale on at this link.

We invite you to share these John F. Kennedy assassination videos with your friends and colleagues. Using the amazing power of the Internet, we can help to inform citizens around the world of the hidden agendas of the power elite. For a series of major media articles revealing key information on this power elite, click here. For ideas on how they can manage to keep such major information hidden from the public, click here and here. For a big picture summary including inspiring ideas on how we can change all of this and build a brighter future, click here.

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