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Charlotte's Inspiring WWII Story

Facing Her Greatest Fears with Love



Dear friends,


A wonderful Internet friend passed along this deeply inspiring story. May we all have the courage to open to love in the times of greatest fear. Here is what she wrote:



Hi, Fred!


I wanted to let you know I very much enjoyed the story about Gertrude [from Transforming Our Relationship with Money]. I have a short one to relate to you in return that is included in the book The Courage for Peace by Louise Diamond.  I have found that many people want to 'stand up for Peace' but are terribly afraid of physical retaliation if they do.  When I was attending Peace demonstrations last year and this, I met many people who told me that they felt as I did but were absolutely scared to the bone to march for fear of repercussions at home, work, etc.  The following story is for these folks:

"Charlotte was a Swiss woman who made the decision during World War II to work with the French Resistance.  She was aware of the risks, realizing that capture would not only mean the end of her usefulness, but would most certainly involve being tortured for information, and, if she survived that, the inevitable transport to a concentration camp.

"Nonetheless, Charlotte persevered.  She served the Resistance in various capacities for four years.  Finally, she was caught.  Jailed by the Gestapo, Charlotte awaited her interrogation with great trepidation. When she was escourted into the interrogation chamber, however, Charlotte found herself in a most improbable state.  Her heart suddenly opened, and she began viewing her captors with great love!  She felt a pure radiance shining through her to the men who would surely deal viciously with her.  She said nothing, simply relaxing into that state of love.

"Inexplicably, whenever her would-be tormentors would begin to question her, something odd would happen. A phone call or summons would come that would call them away, or some other outside force would stop the interrogation before it could complete its course. Even when she was put on the train for the camps, the train didn't run.  Charlotte, choosing to stay in a state of love rather than fear, even in the most violent of circumstances, thus escaped the worst of the harm that could have befallen her."



Have a most wonderful Thanksgiving! I am thankful to share these stories and this connection with you. May love go with you always!


With boundless love and joy,


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