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GM Food Documentary

Free Online Documentary Could Dramatically Improve Your Life

"Infertile couples have children, rashes clear up, allergies disappear, brain fog lifts, cancer patients get relief, and even autistic kids show astounding improvements."

Dear friends,

"Secret Ingredients" is one of the most important documentaries ever to be made. It could have a huge impact on you, your health, and even the world we live in. I can't recommend it highly enough. The landmark film will be available for free viewing until May 22nd. You can watch it now by going to this webpage.

If you don’t have time to watch the entire film, please at least view the three-minute trailer and read the short description below. After watching "Secret Ingredients" many viewers literally changed their diet on-the-spot.

When Karen Slusher watched "Secret Ingredients" with her two kids, their response was not what you would expect from teenagers. Once they learned the truth about food and disease, they actually got upset at their mom for having allowed non-organic food into the house. The three of them grabbed garbage bags and remedied the situation—cleaning out all things non-organic.

The award-winning documentary by Jeffrey Smith and Amy Hart has inspired similar kitchen makeovers all over and appears to have achieved the unique status as the quickest motivator to an organic lifestyle.

As one report put it, “You emerge empowered, ready to transform your life with the right ingredients.” One dietician said, “This film is a life-changing, health-promoting must-see for anyone who eats.”

Heartfelt Transformations

The most riveting feature of "Secret Ingredients" is the nearly miraculous health transformations that occur in one person after another, right after they switched to organic food. Infertile couples have children, rashes clear up, allergies disappear, brain fog lifts, cancer patients get relief, and even autistic kids show astounding improvements. Dr. Michelle Geriari says, “The personal stories shared in the film are compelling, truly inspiring and self-empowering.”

Interviews with experts such as Dr. David Perlmutter, New York Times bestselling author and physician, link the real-life stores to research on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the Roundup herbicide sprayed on them.

Aided by stunning animations, the viewers see clearly how the killing of our beneficial gut bacteria (microbiome), gaps forming in our intestines (leaky gut), damage to our cells’ energy system (mitochondria), and changes in our brain chemistry (serotonin) can easily promote the chronic conditions seen in the film and suffered by millions.

Physicians in the movie confirm that they see dramatic recoveries in their patients who adopt an organic diet—free from GMOs and Roundup. But some patients don’t fully appreciate the role of food until they later revert to old eating habits and their symptoms return.

According to the Organic and Non-GMO Report, “In less than 90 minutes, you come away highly educated on the subject of GMOs and the herbicide glyphosate [Roundup], inspired to take charge of your wellness—starting in that important laboratory, our kitchens.”

Inspiring Global Change

According to co-director Jeffrey Smith, “We want the free showing week to inspire a global organic tidal wave. Our purchasing power can ultimately shift the food supply.” Smith knows first-hand how educated consumers change the system.

His bestselling books, (e.g.  Seeds of Deception - 10-page summary here), his films (e.g. Genetic Roulette), and the work of his Institute for Responsible Technology have greatly contributed to the current non-GMO tipping point underway in the U.S. With 46% of the Americans seeking non-GMO food, major companies are scrambling to eliminate GMO ingredients.

"Secret Ingredients" points out, however, that eating non-GMO alone is not enough. Roundup and other toxic pesticides are sprayed even on non-GMO foods. The clarion call of the film is to Eat Organic.

To watch the film, visit this webpage. After watching it, you’ll find some help there to make the transition to organic easier and more affordable. Once again, I can't recommend this film highly enough.

With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former White House interpreter and whistleblower

Note: The free showing week is co-sponsored by the nonprofit Institute for Responsible Technology.

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