Transform Your Life
Free Online Course to Transform Your Life
"Thank you for all you've done to push humanity in the right direction. I've been inspired by many of the articles you post. It's not only made me a better journalist but a better person. And I'm perhaps just one out of a thousand who takes the time to write.” ~~ Byron C.
"Working my way through this material is changing me. I feel more contentment than I have ever felt before, even while becoming more aware of the distress of our world at the same time. The Transformation Course has given me hope that there is time for me to contribute to Love's work within our world and universe. It feels like returning home and finding that I'm not all alone." ~ JoyAnna S.
Dear friends,
The free, online Transformation Course developed by Fred Burks and the PEERS team has had a major impact on the lives of thousands of people around the world. The quotes above and below are but a small sampling of what those who have completed the course have written. Chock full of practical exercises and deep wisdom, the 21 empowering lessons of the Transformation Course invite you to fully engage in the dance of shadow and light, so that you can step ever more fully into your own magnificence and make a real difference in your life and in our world.
Whether you do one lesson a week or one a month, you will find that the course's many heart and mind expanding essays, videos, quotes, and exercises dance delightfully with your soul. You will feel continually called to your greatness even as you become aware of both the sad depths to which humanity has fallen and the incredible heights we've explored. You may feel very busy, but ask yourself, is it worth setting aside some of your time to find the inner peace and wisdom calling out to you? To begin this profound exploration offered to you free of charge, click here.
With sacred love and very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Note: If you are short on time, just read the highlighted sections.
More Comments on the Transformation Course
“All I can say is ‘Man oh man’ — what a gem you are. And how greatly I admire and appreciate all that you do. Even saying all this isn’t enough — I know it takes MONEY to continue providing the kind of service that you put forth. God knows I yearn to win the lottery — you’d be very very near the top of the list to give to. ” ~~ Colleen B.
I have struggled for seven years and 3,000 hours of research into the dark side and did not know what to do with it. This course was wonderful in integrating it with the light side, as well as with both of these sides in me. I am much more at peace with the dark side of the world and, more importantly, my own dark side. This should facilitate a dramatic reduction in my use of judgment and a focus on creating a world from gratitude and joy. ~ Jim G.
"You guys are truly unsung heroes. You are doing the job journalists should be doing, but they wouldn't be willing to ostracise themselves by doing so. You have put your own reputations on the line and sacrificed many worldly treasures to be on the side of good. And for that you are truly wealthy." ~~ Wayne M.
What you have compiled here is genius!!! I am so moved by this course. It is a WEALTH of unlimited possibility. Everywhere I turn another link, another thought provoking tool!!! And it appears endless. I am deeply grateful to have found you and this team. ~ Alison C.
Just a few days after I did lesson three, my dear husband and I had a heartfelt and life-changing conversation filled with honesty and transparency. We finally both had the courage to explore some of our deepest needs and found out that we were each wrong about the other's opinions and feelings about those needs. It was amazing, and I KNOW without a doubt that had I not found this course, this conversation would not have come to the peaceful and loving end (and new beginning!) that it did. For that alone, I am so grateful. The journey through this course has been so deeply personal, yet so profoundly universal. I have never before felt so much a part of the whole. ~ Erika
When I started the Transformation Course I couldn't possibly have known how powerful this experience would be! For the first time in my life I know exactly what I want from life. All of the topics are very close to my heart and I find great motivation in studying. I was surprised to find deep revelations and emotional processes I had been hiding from myself. You have done an enormous amount of work gathering this information and presenting it in such a coherent and positive way. Thank you for your work and making it possible to do this course online. I live in Finland and have been searching for something like this for many years. ~ Emil S.
In the beginning I was a little skeptical about whether this or any course could be of great value at this point in my life. I am working on skepticism. The Transformation Course was exceptionally well written ... informative, thought enhancing, powerful, inspirational, with life changing messages. I have completed several other courses and six years of college and this course is the best and most valuable course I have ever taken. It is like someone gave me a new and different pair of eye glasses! Thank you Transformation Team for changing my life!!! ~ Bill E.
I'm still awestruck that I've been led to the information and inspiration of the Transformation Team. I don't have the words to express the thrill that it gives me to have this happening in my life. Thank you so much for this info. It's a great relief that I've been led to a group of souls who I can relate to. ~ Craig Z.
The course is beyond price! Doing the exercises made me realize that it is actually okay (and safe) to love everyone. It is not necessary for the love to be reciprocated. That was a really powerful insight for me. Thank you. I agree the time is here for us to look inside ourselves for answers. We are all connected, and we all already have the answers. ~ Ursula D.
I am so grateful to have found this course. What a HUGE gift it has been for me. I am healing in ways I had no hope of healing. ~ Brian E.
What a journey! I will never feel the same again. My eyes are open now. So many things are happening; new friends, reconnecting with old friends. I could not have dealt with a family issue without the knowledge I gained from this course. It all feels a bit unreal, but I think my previous life was the unreal one. My life now is based on knowing more, feeling more, contributing more, doing more, sharing more. I can no longer remain hidden away. I need to get myself out there and make a contribution. It is time. I am ready to be the change. ~ Val S.
In this journey that has lasted ten months, I have been challenged and inspired to explore every niche of darkness and polarity, both internally and externally; not to cast them out, but to form a deeper acceptance and understanding of all that is part of me. I took my time with each lesson, taking special note where I wanted to quickly gloss over a topic or avoid facing it for weeks. The course has gently guided me to transform from trapped victim to interconnected creator, while deeply honouring my personal struggles and beliefs. Thank you so much for putting this course together and crafting it so carefully and lovingly! ~ Trish R.
The Transformation Course is excellent. It helped me to know that there are others who are trying to find the balance between uncovering the darker side and honoring the light and love that we each are. I give the course an A+. ~ Tom Hansen, Ph.D.
The transformation work has helped me to get grounded when people, information and energies around me are going wacko. ~ Mary A.
I am forever indebted to you for being instrumental in changing my attitude towards my parents, which in the past was one filled with deeply rooted bitterness and anger. You have convinced me that I solely am responsible for my own circumstances, and that in order to change them, I am the one who has to change. My new attitude is already starting to pay huge dividends, and I am eternally grateful. ~ David J.
The most empowering, thought-provoking, shit-disturbing message that you repeat over and over is the acceptance of what is and the power of love as a transformational tool. I thank you for that. I am doing the sacred breath work more often and with a wider variety of others - friends, enemies, family, the transformation team. I find myself humming almost non-stop and definitely am smiling more! ~ Cathy M.
To understand why those who wrote these appreciation messages
have so much gratitude for the free Transformation Course, click here.
This course is amazing and has definitely changed my life. The trees are greener, the colours of butterflies are stronger, sounds are more sharp and clear. For the first time in my life I can sing without going off tune. My eyesight has improved, and I can stay calm and not react when someone is rude or insults me. The discoveries I have made about myself are too numerous to count. I don't earn a lot of money, but have set up a monthly donation. This is probably the most important donation I have ever made, as I feel the course has changed my life. Thank you so much. I feel your love and send sacred love to you all. ~ Julie W.
My recent journey of discovery began a few years ago with a personal investigation into 9/11. After much research, I had come to the conclusion that what was happening was completely out of my control, and that there was little to no hope for a species gone this over-the-top insane. So my projected outlook was dismal to say the least. Then I was sent a fortuitous email which led to my decision to take this course. The course's vision of mixing sober dark information with valid inspirational information is just what the doctor ordered in my case. A year later my outlook is soberly revised toward the opposite end of spectrum. Those 21 lessons were the perfect catalyst that led me on a journey of discovery that I could have never possibly imagined. Thanks to all involved for being a true light in the "apparent" darkness when I so sorely needed exactly that! ~ Chris B.
No doubt about it, my life has changed drastically since I began this course. I am learning how to eliminate fear of the unknown. I feel liberated and so energized ... WAY beyond anything like the illusion that was my life when I was addicted to meth. People are starting to notice and to wonder what I am doing differently. :) And I am surprised in a pleasant way that when I introduce these ideas, folks I share these ideas with are eager to learn. Thank you all for being here. ~ Roxi
I'm an entirely different person now from when I began. My consciousness is expanding in many ways. Working out my intentions has brought me tools that are helping me to create a new experience of the hologram. I wouldn't change a thing about the course. It is pure, inspired genius of heart and mind. ~ Vimala
I have enjoyed the course tremendously. After years of study and research I've done towards answering the big questions of "what's really going on?" and "who are we?", this course has confirmed everything I've learned and put it all together in such a beautiful way! It's such an exciting time to be alive, to be able to participate in the "big shift" and to know that it's making a difference in the world! ~ Anne H.
Thank you so much for being here. I think you literally saved my life. A couple years ago I started poking my nose into worldly affairs on the web. The more I poked, the more peace and serenity left me. Fear is not a comfortable chair. My friends and family got really tired of listening to me. Next step was they'd run if they saw me. It would have been a tight race to see which would be my demise – fear or friend with gun. A week before finding the course, I said a prayer asking for a solution to the havoc caused by my search for knowledge. Not sure how I spied it, but it shined its light and I knew this was for me. Prayer answered, Thank you, God! ~ Kate Q.
I want to tell you how much I appreciate the positive impact you have made in my life. Since beginning the transformation team lessons, I have an entirely new outlook on life. I had a tendency to blame other people in my life for my problems and at times was battling with feelings of bitterness. When I found out about 9/11, I eventually fell into a pattern of seeing everything in terms of right vs. wrong and us vs. them. Now my attitude has been transformed. I don't like what happened on 9/11, but I have accepted it. The anger and hatred is gone, and I am at peace with myself. I still want to wake up the world, but I no longer feel the desire to arouse hatred. I have learned to accept all that is, and I have learned to accept myself as I am. I do love myself and I do love the world, and I want to make it a better place. But I can only change it if I have love in my heart. Love conquers all. ~ David J.
The truly remarkable synchronicities and coincidences between things on the site and things in my life seem to happen so much with the Transformation Team materials! It feels as though there are constant epiphanies going off in my mind/spirit. I am so grateful for them! Thank you again so much for your amazing work on all of this. It’s really unbelievable what you have put together. ~ Lisle M.
I can't thank you enough for the information you are presenting to the world! This transformation course is part of a stream of transformative things happening to me in very rapid succession. The synchronicity is stunning. Learning to breathe sacred love has been a life-changer. ~ David L.
To understand why those who wrote these appreciation messages
have so much gratitude for the free Transformation Course, click here.
I cried while reading through lesson three. I have cried while sending you this email. These are tears of love and gratitude to the magnificent experience of being human and in service to the divine plan of overcoming the shadows of humanity, as we ascend into the light beings we were truly meant to be ... co-creators of a new earth ... a new heaven, here and now. ~ Teri G.
I was profoundly moved and inspired. From the depth of my being, thank you for your role in our awakening. ~ John L.
I know I will be returning to many of these lessons over and over till they become a regular part of my life. ~ Randy R.
Each day I find more peace of mind and am experiencing so much growth. I am feeling so centered and peaceful. I am finding the course wonderful, and am excited everyday that I can spend the two hours or so for each lesson. ~ Jennifer
I am blessed and privileged to be a part of such a wonderful team of vibrant souls. To see the manifestation of this course in so many areas of my life is extremely reassuring. I have come a long way from being someone who was always tough on himself and self persecuting. My spiritual growth and understanding have been nothing short of remarkable in terms of manifestation in my relationships and perspective. I look forward to each day with a sense of confidence in my ability to remain focused on my intentions and in a constant positive flow. I have made my own portfolio of material from the course that I carry with me. It is the fitness center for my soul, and it is open 24/7. ~ Lance M.
I am definitely getting a more complete picture of the world around me. This makes all sorts of things easier to comprehend and hence less "scary." I feel more connected to people. When I see people going about their business, I can imagine they have families, brothers, sisters, joys and sorrows ... a life, just as important to them as mine is to me. I can't help but be nicer, more tolerant of people when I see them like this. ~ Jeremy W.
I really got how my view was perpetuating the results I obtained in my world. I've been scouring your site, breathing and being grateful for all that occurs in my life (past, present and future). I find that I'm much more hopeful and excited – and much more interactive once again with people. So, it follows that breakthroughs are beginning to occur – my health is restored, my daughter found a house, and I'm back to the gym. ~ Cathie B.
I have been questioning the value of taking a close look at the dark underbelly of the collective shadow. I don't see anyone around me doing that except my husband. Some spiritual friends say, "Why not just focus on the light?" I had an experience with lesson four which has moved this inquiry forward. After reading the story of the Christmas Truce, I found myself spontaneously breaking down sobbing. It was after reading the last line of the song: "That the ones who call the shots won't be among the dead and lame, and on each end of the rifle we're the same." I was crying out of a deep sense of responsibility for being a part of that which caused this. I had a sense (which my mind doesn't yet understand) that I am not separate from "the ones who call the shots" who I have had so much disdain for. For once, I had a sense of not being separate from "them." I have so far held myself as "not a part of that" and "better than" them. I got a glimpse of how much of the same vicious insanity is in me, and has been in me. I am willing to wake up out of that insanity, but that does not make me different or better. And I am not separate. Thank you for putting this course together. It is a great service. ~ Lynn Marie L.
To understand why those who wrote these appreciation messages
have so much gratitude for the free Transformation Course, click here.
I considered myself a relatively well informed person before I began the course, but I learned a lot and especially benefited from the overall perspective that the course gave me. All this vitally important info in one place, with the spiritual support to withstand the disturbing truths. I've never seen anything like the transformation course. ~ Meredith T.
I am feeling a circle of energy that is giving positive feedback, which will manifest more positive energy and more feedback. I am really excited. I cannot appreciate you enough for giving me the amazing opportunity to walk this transformation path. It is giving a huge new dimension to my life. Thank you sooo much! ~ Esther V.
This course has most definitely altered the course of my life. A new found sense of peace is dawning on me. The past few weeks have been a little odd for me, to say the least. I am excited about getting out of bed in the morning. I've been much more productive and cooperative at work. I noticed one coworker who rarely would talk to me before now offers me wisdom out of nowhere. As for my love life, my girlfriend actually told me, "I don't know how you did it, but it's like you created a world where love can thrive." Our relationship has taken off.
It's fascinating how my life has been altering before my eyes. I have healed a great deal since I started this course. I have been enjoying foods that I previously believed I couldn't eat due to allergies. I have been enjoying new exercise routines and activities with friends. I even started liking my job. I am reconnected with the love inside myself and it's touching every area of my life. Even my girlfriend started believing in things she never thought about before. I believe all this is because many of my old barriers have been removed, as I learn new ways to love myself, love others, forgive, be responsible for my health, and heed the advice of others.
So I would say that this course is fantastic. The work compiled here is really phenomenal in its ability to reach the heart of the viewer. I am taking it upon myself to give up judging others. This will take time for me to transform, but I can see how important it is that I stop making people wrong for their lacks and imperfections. Before the transformation course, I blamed the power elite for everything I hated about the world. I can see now that everything that has happened was for a reason, part of the evolutionary process of my species, and I'm lucky to be alive for the mass spiritual awakening that has yet to fully unfold.
To be honest, rapid transformation has it's tough spots, and sometimes I still long for the old me... the rebellious, arrogant, know-it-all kid from which I got a feeling of superiority and security. But then I think about what I have gained: I'm healthier, closer with loved ones, have some semblance of self-discipline, and I actually feel like I understand what's going on in the world around me. I finally know where I stand. It brings me tremendous peace, and I can't wait to connect with the community that this course work has helped to build. ~ Daniel G.
To begin your journey with the profound Transformation Course, click here.
Final Note: If you don't have time for the entire course, most participants have found lesson 3 and lesson 20 to be the most profound.
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