Mother's Day Videos
Short, Inspiring Videos Celebrate Our Mothers
Dear wonderful friends,
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there! Many countries celebrate Mother's Day on differing dates, but as about 2/3 of our subscribers live in the US, I thought it best to post this message of joy and gratitude to all mothers on this date. Here are two very short, yet most inspiring videos celebrating mothers everywhere:
Three-minute video on animal mothers who adopted very unusual children
Three-minute video on a most amazing mother born without arms
And for those interested in the inspiring history of Mother's Day, which was created to celebrate a woman who was a caring, dedicated peace activist, read the short article below:
A big thank you to all mothers everywhere. Without you, we would not be here. And thank you for all of the wonderful nurturing and support you gave and continue to give which allows us to grow, to blossom, and to help create an ever more loving and caring world. We celebrate you!!!
With heartfelt love, deep gratitude, and very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
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