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Paul Hellyer
Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer On UFOs

"I finally concluded, especially after reading a book called "The Day After Roswell" written by Colonel Philip Corso, that unidentified flying objects are, in fact real. I am hoping that we can persuade the Canadian Senate to hold hearings and listen to some of the 400 witnesses that...Dr. Steven Greer, has compiled."

  -- Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Minister of defense on MSNBC, 12/9/05

Dear friends,

Paul Hellyer is a former Minister of defense for Canada. Mr. Hellyer appeared on MSNBC in December 2005 to discuss his views on the UFO cover-up. A copy of the article with key statements highlighted and links to both the MSNBC article and video clip are provided below. Dr. Steven M. Greer, who is mentioned by Mr. Hellyer, is a valuable member of the team. For an informative article in the Toronto Star (one of Canada's leading newspapers) which goes into more depth on Paul Hellyer's revelations, click here. Both Mr. Hellyer and Dr. Greer believe strongly that the UFOs do not constitute a threat to our nation or world.

Dr. Greer has become the most trusted person to whom respected insiders will reveal information. He now has over 400 government and military witnesses with personal knowledge and/or involvement in the cover-up of UFOs. The witnesses include several generals, admirals, astronauts, and other highly respected individuals. You can order the videotaped testimony of these witnesses and the book Disclosure, which provides the transcriptions of the testimony of over 60 of these witnesses at For lots more reliable, verifiable information on the UFO cover-up, see this link.

With best wishes,
Fred Burks for
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

P.S. The National Press Club video which awakened me to the UFO cover-up is available for free viewing here.

'The Situation with Tucker Carlson' for Dec. 9

Guests: Peter Fenn, Winter, Max Kellerman, Mark McKrikorian, Paul Hellyer

CARLSON:  Welcome back.  According to my next guest, the truth is out there.  Actually up there, with our neighbor to the north, Canada. A former Canadian government official is warning we may be on the verge of intergalactic war, saying, quote, "The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the comings and goings of visitors from space and to shoot at them if they so decide," end quote.

Paul Hellyer is a former minister of defense and deputy prime minister of the country of Canada.  He joins us now from Toronto. Mr. Hellyer, thanks a lot for coming on. 


CARLSON:  Now, you were the minister of defense of Canada.  When you autopsied that position, I believe, under Prime Minister Lester Pearson, did you come across any classified information that suggested UFO‘s were real?

HELLYER:  No, not really.  We got regular reports that showed that some of them were, in fact, unidentified.  Some of the sightings could not be explained as natural phenomenon, but nothing more than that. 

CARLSON:  Well, as you know, there‘s been this debate for years over whether or not they are real.  Most people don‘t think they are real, or most people at least are hesitant to say they believe they are real in public.  What convinced you they do, in fact, exist?

HELLYER:  Well, for the last two or three years, I have been looking at the evidence, and assessing it, much as I guess a judge would.  And trying to determine who was telling the truth and who wasn‘t.  And I finally concluded, especially after reading a book called "The Day After Roswell," written by Colonel Philip Corso, that unidentified flying objects are, in fact real. As real as the airplanes flying over your head, and that there has been a monumental cover-up for more than half a century.

This is after, you know, looking at a lot of evidence and trying to discern who was telling the truth and who wasn‘t.  And I have concluded unequivocally that the people, who claim that they have either seen UFO‘s or have seen classified documents about UFO‘s or have seen wreckage from the crash at Roswell, on or about July 4, 1947, are the ones telling the truth.  And consequently, I am basing my policy considerations on that. 

CARLSON:  Where did you come across this information that the Bush administration is building a forward base on the moon, and why would they do that?  And why would they keep it from the public?

HELLYER:  Well, to answer your second question first, I don‘t know. 

That is the reason I am raising the question, is to see why they are. 

CARLSON:  Well how do you—how do you—that‘s an awfully specific claim.  I haven‘t read it in the "New York Times." Doesn‘t mean it‘s not true, doesn‘t mean you‘re wrong, but I am interested to know why you think that. 

HELLYER:  Well, because this was forecasted in Colonel Corso‘s book.  They were wanting to build a base on the moon, as far back as 1964.  And General Arthur Trudeau (ph) -- same name as one of my bosses—was very determined to build a forward base on the moon.  And prepared all of the specifications necessary for it, and the blueprints, and so on. 

CARLSON:  Well, is it—pardon me.  I don‘t mean to interrupt you, but doesn‘t this make sense? I mean, if, in fact, there are extraterrestrials and they are buzzing our planet, why wouldn‘t we want to take steps to defend ourselves from them should they turn hostile?

HELLYER:  Well, I think the critical question is whether or not they are hostile.  You see, when they were first—when the crash first occurred, General Nathan Twining (ph) later became the... 

CARLSON:  In Roswell? 

HELLYER:  Yes, after that crash occurred, he declared that they were enemy aliens.  Now, there‘s no evidence, that I have seen, that would really convince me that they are, in fact, you know enemy.

And what I would like to know is whether that classification of enemy aliens still exists or whether it doesn‘t, and if it exists, what the evidence is on which the United States government bases its conclusions.  I think that‘s tremendously important. 

CARLSON:  I think that‘s an entirely fair question.  Now, finally, you laid out these views in September of this year at a speech at the University of Toronto, and according to the news report I have of the speech, your address, quote, "ended with a standing ovation." And that implies, I think, that your views are commonplace in Canada.  They are a minority view here, distinct minority view.  Do you think most Canadians believe that there is a forward base under construction on the Moon and that aliens are buzzing the earth?

HELLYER:  No, absolutely not.  Most of them are skeptics.  Most of them haven‘t spent much time researching the subject, and so they‘re, I think, the average here would be very similar to the average American.  And I am hoping that, maybe, we can persuade the Canadian Senate to hold hearings and listen to some of the 400 witnesses that your Dr. Steven—what‘s his name?  Oh, Greer, Dr. Steven Greer, has compiled, and hear them, and, you know, make up their minds as to whether or not there is a real threat.

CARLSON:  All right.

HELLYER:    And, maybe, this would be just enough to push the American government, the U.S. Congress or Senate, into holding its own hearings, and then getting the United States government finally to come clean and tell us what they are worried about. 

CARLSON:  OK.  Canada‘s former minister of defense, Paul Hellyer.  If you are right, history will record you as a visionary.  If you are wrong, well, I‘m glad you came on anyway.  Thank you. 

HELLYER:  It‘s a pleasure.

Note: For the original article on Paul Hellyer on MSNBC, click here. For the MSNBC video of Paul Hellyer, click here. For an informative video of a press conference by Paul Hellyer available free on the Internet (fast forward to minute 25 for section with Hellyer), click here.

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