As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we depend almost entirely on donations from people like you.
We really need your help to continue this work! Please consider making a donation.
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Dear subscriber,

Founded over four years ago, the website is now poised to move into a major expansion phase. Throughout these years, we have accumulated a vast amount of reliable, verifiable information on a wide variety of major cover-ups of which few people are aware — all with minimal volunteer staff and on a shoestring budget.

Having received a total of over two million visits, the website with its 800+ webpages is now very easy to navigate with dropdown menus and submenus so that you or any visitor can quickly find engaging, reliable news articles, videos, summaries, and other key resources on any of the vital topics we cover. The informative email list currently has more than 3,600 subscribers from over 75 countries around the globe. We are now excited at the possibility of taking our vision to a new level.

One invaluable addition to the website we'd like to develop is a special section on analysis of each of the key topics we cover from a global perspective. Using reliable, verifiable information and our pool of respected experts and insiders, this critical analysis section would provide incisive essays which take our current information several levels deeper by placing it within a greater context.

As we have such an abundance of excellent information on a number of vital topics, we'd also like to start work on a series of new websites. Each of these would focus on providing in-depth information on one of the major cover-ups which we have helped to expose. Yet in order to make all this happen, we need your help.

Until this February, though a number of key volunteers provided invaluable support, I was the only person working full-time on Because of my deep belief that one person can make a big difference, I decided in early 2004 to greatly reduce my paid professional work, to forget about the need for a retirement nest-egg, and to dedicate all of my savings to bring the vision of and the other websites I founded into reality. I worked entirely as a volunteer as the driving force to develop the websites to their current form.

Then just this February, eminent theologian David Ray Griffin (who first learned of the 9/11 cover-up through contacted me to suggest that when our newly formed nonprofit organization PEERS had the available budget, we consider hiring a very capable, well informed man named Tod Fletcher to join in this important work.

Even though PEERS had only received about $10,000 in donations in our first year (2006) — far from enough to pay anyone's salary — the all-volunteer leadership of PEERS and decided to take a risk and hire Tod as our first paid employee. I committed to use my own dwindling savings to pay his salary if sufficient donations do not come in. Shortly after this decision, two wonderful supporters contributed a total of over $10,000, which will cover four months of Tod's salary.

Tod and I have very much enjoyed working together in the past two months. We see incredible potential in further developing and creating new specialized websites. Tod is fully capable and excited about using his writing, analysis and many other talents to take our work to a new level.

We hope to be able to raise the needed money to cover Tod's future salary and even to hire a few more individuals to join us, so that we can more effectively help to build the critical mass we believe is necessary to turn this juggernaut around, and to create a world which works for all of us.

You can play a key role in helping us to reach our vision. We invite you to consider the value of what we are doing and ask yourself if you would like to contribute to this crucial work. Your contribution will help us to spread the word far and wide and to awaken an ever increasing number of citizens on the need to return to the basic principles of democracy, so that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the Earth. We are making a big difference, and with your support we can take it to the next level.

Since January 2006, the website has been under the management of PEERS (Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that I and some close colleagues formed to promote this work. This means that any donation you give PEERS by check, credit card, stock, or any other form, is tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Automatic monthly contributions are particularly valuable as they enable us to have some certainty in our long-range planning.

In addition to, PEERS maintains several other websites under my management to fulfill its mission of reducing social conflict and economic inequalities and inspiring global community based on love and cooperation. I personally am most excited to currently be developing a new website for all who feel called to be part of a planetary transformation team. This inspiring community action website should be ready for launch in a few months. For more on this, see

We know that as a subscriber to the WantToKnow email list, you are concerned about social injustice in our world, and you want to join in building a better world for all. By making a tax-deductible donation to PEERS, you can join us in powerfully turning this vision of a brighter future into a reality. Let us take up this challenge together. We invite you to raise your level of commitment to global transformation by making a donation to PEERS today. To make a donation, please see

You can help further by contacting us with the names of people or organizations (especially charitable foundations) which might be inspired to support our work. We are very interested in building mutually empowering relationships with any and all who are deeply committed to the work of global transformation. We have a two-page description of our programs, mission and vision, which you can send to interested friends and colleagues, available at

We have great plans for the future of and PEERS. Every staff person we hire can help us to reach and inspire millions more people around the world. With your help, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Thanks for how much you "want to know" all that is going on in the world, and for your commitment to making a difference. I have no doubt that together, we will build a brighter future not only for ourselves, but for our children and for many generations to come. You take care and have a most wonderful spring season ahead.

With gratitude and very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

Special Note: For any who are interested in an engaging talk I gave on both cover-ups and transformation available on Google video, please see

See our exceptional archive of revealing news articles.

Please support this important work: Donate here

Explore the mind and heart expanding websites managed by the nonprofit PEERS network: - PEERS websites: Spreading inspiration, education, & empowerment - Every person in the world has a heart - Dynamic online courses powerfully expand your horizons - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all

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