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An 87-year old nun completes Ellensburg Olympic Triathlon
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Daily Record (A local Washington state newspaper)

Photo of Sister Madonna Buder.

Daily Record (A local Washington state newspaper), July 25, 2016
Posted: August 22nd, 2016

Sister Madonna Buder stood on the shore of Peoples Pond at Irene Rinehart Riverfront Park on Saturday morning. She made the sign of the cross and said a small prayer just before diving in head first. Her journey sent her through one mile of water, 24 miles on a bike and six miles on foot. But this was not new to her. The Ellensburg Olympic Triathlon was not her first race. Buder ... did not develop a passion for running until she was 48 years old. By then she was heavily involved in the Catholic church after becoming a nun at the age of 23. Since she started training, she has competed in many events including the 1982 Boston Marathon and her first triathlon in Banbridge, Ireland. In 2006 she was the oldest woman ever to complete the Hawaiian Ironman and in 2014 was inducted into the USA Triathlon Hall of Fame. Having raced more than 325 triathlons, people are still amazed at her accomplishments. She is an extraordinary accomplished person in general fitness, said fellow Olympic Triathlon participant Vince Nethery. She finished and was able to take care of business. Buder has not only seen victories but also had to climb over some obstacles during her career. Over her 39 years of competing she has fractured her pelvis, torn her meniscus and broke her femur. Buder just celebrated her birthday on Sunday, and although she completed one more triathlon, she still wonders how she is still completing triathlons. I dont know, Buder said. Youll have to ask God.

Note: Watch a great, one-minute video on this amazing woman. Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.

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