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Can Happiness Trickle Down from the Global Elite?
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Greater Good
Posted: March 4th, 2019
The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, is not what youd call a woo woo gathering. It convenes chief executives from over 1,000 member-companies ... to discuss the big social, economic, and political issues of the day. We had accepted the invitation to present at WEF with some reservations - would all these businesspeople welcome the [Greater Good Science Center]s science-backed insights for a more meaningful life? WEF has begun to incorporate well-being into their programs and outcomes over the last few years, and we were part of that objective. Providing accessible tools that people can use to cultivate skills of inner happiness is core to the GGSCs mission. Many of these - like letting go of that searing inner critic or learning to watch what is happening in your own body - are ... adapted from the canon of traditional contemplative practices, and now validated by science. It turns out, plenty of people were looking for strategies for inner happiness at Davos. Participants were curious about how emotions fuel or fizzle stress and how to adopt a challenge mentality - the attitude of I can face this! - rather than a threat mentality that just makes you want to fight or run away. We suggested simple practices like supportively rooting for ourselves as we might encourage a friend, or adopting a different perspective during difficult times. Will global leaders ... moments of mindfulness, compassion, and gratitude trickle down for the benefit of entire workforces? We certainly hope so.
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