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CNN Special Report on Electromagnetic Frequency Weapons
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of CNN News
Posted: September 24th, 2017
Electronic mind-control research is not new. In the 1960s ... Dr. Jose Delgado demonstrated remote control over a charging bull. In recent years Delgado has shown that the behavior of monkeys can be altered using low-power pulsing magnetic fields. "Any function in the brain - emotions, intellect, personality - could we perhaps modify by this non-invasive technology," [he said]. Delgados research has so far been limited to animals. But in the Soviet Union a radio frequency, or RF, device has been used for over 30 years to manipulate the moods of mental patients. Its called a Lida machine. It radiates pulses of radio frequency energy as well as light, sound, and heat. [One] scientist, who did not want his identity revealed, is employed by the U.S. Government and has done secret RF weapons research. He believes that tests done with the Lida and similar machines prove that humans are susceptible to remote alterations of mood and awareness. "Certain kinds of weak electromagnetic signals work exactly like drugs, and so the promise is that anything you can do with drugs you could do with the right electromagnetic signal, [this scientist said]. "As far as Im concerned, the potential that this has for producing a direct psychoactive effect upon the total American population is there, has never been disproven," [commented] Dr. Robert Becker ... a pioneer in the field of bioeffects of electromagnetism.
Note: This 1985 CNN Special Report by Chuck DeCaro is a key to understanding the secret world of manipulation using electromagnetic frequencies. Don't miss the 20-minute video of this broadcast at the link above. The text is available here. Weapons like this have already been developed, as evidenced in these major media news articles. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing mind control news articles from reliable major media sources.