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Communications with Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of National Security Agency Website, NSA Technical Journal, Vol. XI

This image features the spiral galaxy NGC 691, imaged in fantastic detail using Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3). Photo Credit: NASA

National Security Agency Website, NSA Technical Journal, Vol. XI, December 1, 1966
Posted: May 3rd, 2011

We are not alone in the universe. A few years ago, this notion seemed farfetched; today, the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence is taken for granted by most scientists. Even the staid National Academy of Sciences has gone on record that contact with other civilizations "is no longer something beyond our dreams but a natural event in the history of mankind that will perhaps occur in the lifetime of many of us." Sir Bernard Lovell, one of the worlds leading radio astronomers, has calculated that, even allowing for a margin of error of 5000%, there must be in our own galaxy about 100 million stars which have planets of the right chemistry, dimensions, and temperature to support organic evolution. Unless we are terribly conceited, we must assume that the "others" are far more advanced than we are. Even a 50 year gap would be tremendous; a 500-year gap staggers the imagination, and as for a 5000-year gap... It is quite possible that "others" have satellite probes in space, retransmitting to "them" anything that sounds nonrandom to the probe. But they have probably called us several thousand years ago, and are waiting for an answer; or worse yet, they have given up; or, more probably, they have reached such impressive technological advances that they have destroyed themselves. After we resolve our pressing scientific questions, it might be appropriate to make discreet inquiries as to how we could live in harmony and peace with our fellow man. [We] must keep a level head ... and be prepared to cope with problems the like of which he has never seen - out of this world, so to speak.

Note: You can find this article on the NSA website in a fascinating list of NSA Technical Journal articles at this link. The existence of the NSA itself was kept secret for years after its founding in 1952. This powerful organization discussed the implications of ET intelligence throughout the universe at least as early as 1966, as revealed in this document. Yet the disinformation campaigns of the NSA and other intelligence agencies have led to ridicule of any who believe in such things even today. For powerful, verifiable testimony from top government and military officials on a major government cover-up around the UFO issues, click here.

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