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On Flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being Hijacked'
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Washington Post
Posted: September 20th, 2010
About an hour after takeoff from Dulles International Airport yesterday morning, Flight 77, a Boeing 757 headed for Los Angeles with 64 people aboard, became a massive missile aimed at the White House. The target would change suddenly, but the symbolism was equally devastating. The diving plane carved out a massive chunk of the Pentagon. The unidentified pilot executed a pivot so tight that it reminded observers of a fighter jet maneuver. The plane circled 270 degrees to the right to approach the Pentagon from the west, whereupon Flight 77 fell below radar level, vanishing from controllers' screens. Aviation sources said the plane was flown with extraordinary skill, making it highly likely that a trained pilot was at the helm, possibly one of the hijackers. Someone even knew how to turn off the transponder, a move that is considerably less than obvious.
Note: Yet Hani Hanjour, the alleged terrorist pilot of Flight 77, was a terrible pilot. According to a New York Times article, "Marcel Bernard, the chief flight instructor at the school, said Mr. Hanjour showed up in Washington asking to rent a single-engine plane. But he was told that he had to prove his skills before being allowed to do so. Mr. Bernard said Mr. Hanjour made three flights with two different instructors but was unable to prove that he had the necessary skills." The article states this was less than a month before 9/11. How then was he able to execute the "fighter jet maneuver" above on a Boeing 757? Click here for more.