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Ghislaine Maxwell: Judge rules ‘sensational and impure’ evidence to be blocked from trial
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers), March 23, 2021
Posted: January 3rd, 2022

A New York judge has granted a request by Ghislaine Maxwell’s legal team to redact segments from the case filed against her, claiming they would “serve to cater a ‘craving for that which is sensational and impure.’” US District Judge Alison J Nathan issued the ruling last week on redactions from portions of a transcript the government filed under seal that Ms Maxwell’s legal team had requested on the grounds of privacy concerns. The judge also granted redactions that prosecutors made when filing the transcript on the basis of protection of the “integrity of an ongoing criminal investigation and to protect third parties’ personal privacy interests.” “As a general matter, these interests are legitimate and provide a basis for overcoming the presumption of access,” the judge ruled. Judge Nathan denied Ms Maxwell’s objections to some of these redactions. The British socialite’s lawyers argued that “some of the information contained in the redactions has been made public by other means.” The judge wrote: “Though the Defendant contends that some of the information contained in the redactions is public, she furnishes no evidence to that effect”, adding that the privacy interests at stake “justify the limited and narrowly tailored redactions.” Ms Maxwell, a former confidante of disgraced financier and convicted sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein, was charged by the FBI last year with multiple counts of sex exploitation and abuse of minor girls.

Note: Maxwell’s trial has now concluded. Why has this trial been given so little attention by the media? Explore an excellent Whitney Webb article revealing links to Maxwell and Israeli intelligence, and much more. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on Jeffrey Epstein's child sex ring from reliable major media sources.

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