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Military Contractors Behind New Pressure Group Targeting Presidential Candidates
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Intercept

The Intercept, May 9, 2015
Posted: May 17th, 2015

Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers has formed a new pressure group ... to serve as the premiere national security and foreign policy organization during the 2016 debate and to help elect a president who supports American engagement and a strong foreign policy. Rogers group, Americans for Peace, Prosperity, and Security, is hosting candidate events and intends to host a candidate forum later this year. A look at the business executives helping APPS steer presidential candidates towards more hawkish positions reveals that many are defense contractors who stand to gain financially from continued militarism. Rogers may have a conflict of interest as well. Explaining the goals of his group to a news outlet in Indiana, Rogers lamented the lack of surveillance capabilities and warned of increasing threat of cyberwarfare. Its not unusual for the arms industry to use front groups to press for a more aggressive foreign policy, says William Hartung, director of the Arms & Security Project at the Center for International Policy. It sounds a lot more credible when a group called Americans for Peace, Prosperity and Security calls for a policy shift than if the same argument comes out of the mouth of an arms executive or lobbyist whose livelihood is tied to the spread of tension and conflict, Hartung said.

Note: Read a powerful essay by a top US general exposing the war machine titled "War is a Racket." For more, see concise summaries of deeply revealing electoral process corruption news articles from reliable major media sources.

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