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New Jerseys New Governor Outlines Plans, Signs Executive Order Promoting Equal Pay For Women
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of CBS (Philadelphia affiliate)

CBS (Philadelphia affiliate), January 16, 2018
Posted: January 29th, 2018

One-time Wall Street financier Phil Murphy became New Jerseys 56th governor in a ceremony at the Trenton War Memorial, complete with a traditional 21-gun salute. The new governor wasted little time in getting to work. Murphys first act? Signing an executive order promoting equal pay for women. Its just part of the change Murphy promised to the people of the state. They voted to build a stronger and fairer New Jersey that works for every New Jersey family, the governor said, and they elected a governor and a lieutenant governor and a legislature with a duty to carry out this promise. Murphys half-hour address hit on all the major themes of the campaign that led him to this moment, providing a better break for all of New Jerseys 9 million people. That includes everything from requiring the wealthy to pay more in taxes to improving jobs and education, and, yes, legalizing marijuana for recreational use. The governor also noted the diversity of his administration, from the first black woman to serve as lieutenant governor in Sheila Oliver to the first Sikh to be appointed attorney general anywhere in America.

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