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One Man Single-Handedly Plants Forest Bigger Than Central Park
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Huffington Post

Huffington Post, October 28, 2014
Posted: September 11th, 2017

In the middle of a braided river tucked in a remote northeastern region of India, one man planted a forest that has now outgrown the size of New York Citys Central Park. As a teenager in the 1970s, Jadav Payeng noticed a rush of snakes washing ashore, dead. Erosion had scrubbed away vegetation from Majuli island sandbars, stripping away grassy cover and ultimately forcing many native species to flee. Floodwaters transformed some parts into barren landscapes. Its shorelines receded with every monsoon rain. The island, Payengs birthplace, was rapidly shrinking. Rather than sitting idly by, waiting for strong river waters to destroy his home and push his family inland, Payeng planted trees. He started in 1979, scattering seeds and stabbing the bare earth repeatedly with a stick to forge holes deep enough for the delicate roots of young saplings. The goal was to grow a forest to stave off erosion in the area. But as his trees grew bigger, Payeng says it dawned on him they were going to be increasingly difficult to protect. The biggest threat was from men. They would have destroyed the forest for economic gain and the animals would be vulnerable again," he said in a documentary about his forest. He quietly continued planting trees on Majuli for 30 years. Today, Payengs forest measures 1,400 acres, a remarkable accomplishment that dwarfs Central Parks 843 acres. Rhinoceroses, deer, tigers, and as many as 115 elephants have moved in to the dense forest.

Note: Watch the award-winning 16-minute documentary about this amazing man at the link above. If one man can do this, imagine what might be achieved if the government put some money and labor into this kind of project.

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