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Pink Shirt Promise anti-bullying campaign kicks off in Dartmouth
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Global News

Global News, February 17, 2016
Posted: February 28th, 2016

A section of the Mic Mac Mall was transformed into a bright anti-bullying statement Wednesday, as the Pink Shirt Promise anti-bullying campaign officially kicked off. The campaign will go for the next eight days, ending just in time for national Pink Shirt day, which was started in Nova Scotia eight years ago by Travis Price. Wearing pink has become an international symbol for the Anti-Bullying Movement. It was a simple act of kindness, one act, just stand up for him. Show him that he wasnt alone, Price said at the opening for the campaign. The boy hes referring to is a fellow student who wore a pink shirt to school on the first day of classes. He was teased and bullied for wearing the shirt. After seeing the bullying, Price decided to stand up and take action, encouraging other students to wear pink shirts in support of their fellow student and as a way to stand up to bullies. We didnt know at the time that Pink Shirt Day would turn into the movement that it has today. It was simply to try and show this student that he wasnt alone. Now, this simple act of kindness has grown into something that simply blows my mind, that I can say is now in over 27 countries around the world, [said Price]. The idea behind Pink Shirt Promise is simple: by making a personal pledge to end bullying and spread positivity, you could change someones life. Price says it only takes a few seconds for a bystander to intervene.

Note: Watch a great five-minute video on the origins of this inspiring movement.

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