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Truth Demands To Be Lived
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Daily Good
Posted: November 18th, 2013
A few years ago Americ Azevedo sat in a college classroom with about 15 students. It was a meditation class and he was the instructor. This past fall, that same class enrolled 603 students and took place in one of the largest lecture halls on the UC Berkeley campus. Richard Whittaker: You told me your early experiences in school were difficult. Americ Azevedo: It wasnt until I hit first grade that I was exposed to Englishand to other children. Kids punched me. I threw up all the time. I felt like I lost the light. RW: Its interesting that you describe losing something. AA: I lost something. I feel that most people lose it at some point in their lives. But losing at that stage is so dramatic. I think school knocks it out of us. School is so artificial, so industrial. All of the sudden its a totally different experience from that matrix of love and all the things that make a human being comfortable. And it takes a long time to recover that feeling. There were bullies. There was one boy who beat me up and somewhere along the way I was able to communicate with him and he became my friend. Then he protected me from the other bullies. Later on I realized that the biggest protection we have as human beings is communication. Now I understand its a form of loveeven for the bully, but its become twisted. But thats how it is for so many people. Somehow the psyche has become twisted and the good has become bad and the bad has become good.
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