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UK breaks solar energy record on sunny March weekend
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Posted: April 2nd, 2017
Last weekends sunny weather was not only good for beers, barbecues and bees, but also drove solar power to break a new UK record. For the first time ever, the amount of electricity demanded by homes and businesses in the afternoon on Saturday was lower than it was in the night, because solar panels on rooftops and in fields cut demand so much. National Grid, which runs the transmission network, described the moment as a huge milestone. The company sees the solar power generated on the distribution networks or local roads of the system as reduced electricity demand. The sunshine meant that solar power produced six times more electricity than the countrys coal-fired power stations on Saturday. Duncan Burt, who manages daily operations at National Grid, said: Demand being lower in the afternoon than overnight really is turning the hard and fast rules of the past upside down. Electricity demand usually peaks around 4pm to 6pm at this time of year. The solar industry hailed the landmark. A spokeswoman for the Solar Trade Association said: This milestone shows the balance of power is shifting, quite literally, away from the old centralised coal-by-wire model into the hands of householders, businesses and communities all over the UK who want their own clean solar power. Solar power installations grew dramatically in 2014 and 2015. An independent report, commissioned by the STA, found the UKs power network could handle four times more solar capacity than there was today.
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