9/11 Official Story Questions
Thousands Question 9/11 Official Story
"Our fear of our own shadows is what gives the shadow forces of our world their power. By facing our fears, both individual and collective, we can transform our lives and world for the better."
Dear friends,
Did you know that over 5,000 respected government officials, professors, military officers, architects, and engineers have gone on the record raising serious questions about the 9/11 official story?
Here are the numbers of caring and courageous individuals who have risked ridicule to publicly raise questions and call for a new investigation of 9/11 based on the abundance of solid evidence that the official story is tragically flawed. Links are provided for verification.
- Over 3,000 architects and engineers
- Over 400 professors
- Over 400 medical professionals
- Over 300 9/11 survivors and family members
- Over 250 pilots and aviation professionals
- Over 200 artists, entertainers, and media professionals
- Over 200 military, intelligence, and government officials
Here are a few sample quotes from top government officials who have raised serious questions:
"[9/11] family members ... have said that only a fourth of their well researched questions were answered." ~~ Former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel, who courageously entered Pentagon Papers into the Senate record
"[There are] serious challenges to the commission's credibility. No wonder the 9/11 families were outraged by these revelations and called for a new commission." ~~ Former FBI Director Louis Freeh in Wall Street Journal article
"The official story is so inadequate and far-fetched that there must be another one." ~~ Andreas von Buelow, PhD, former Minister for Research and Technology of West Germany, 25 years in German parliament
"What's the 9/11 commission got to hide?" ~~ Curt Weldon, ten-term Republican Congressman
"I think the inquiry has been very shallow, very superficial. We have to try and get the truth." ~~ Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada
"It [the 9/11 Commission] is a national scandal. One of these days we will have to get the full story, because the 9/11 issue is so important to America." ~~ Max Clelland, U.S. Senator, former member of the 9/11 Commission
For key quotes from 50 senior military, intelligence, and government officials who raise questions about the 9/11 official story with links for verification, click here. For key quotes from 100 esteemed professors with verification links, click here. A detailed list of all 5,000 individuals who have come forward is available here. For an excellent 9/11 Information Center with a wealth of solid information in the form of videos, media articles, essays, and much more on 9/11, click here.
Those who don't know much about all this may be shocked to hear that there has been a major 9/11 cover-up. You are encouraged to set aside any bias and investigate further into this vital matter. The "What you can do" box below provides excellent resources for your exploration. For those who already know about this, please help to spread this important message to your friends and colleagues. Together, we can make a difference.
With very best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton
- Inform your media and political representatives of this vital information raising questions about the 9/11 official story. To contact those close to you, click here. Urge them to call for the release of classified documents and videos and to press for a new, impartial investigation.
- Explore the wealth of reliable, verifiable information on 9/11, including several excellent documentaries, in our 9/11 Information Center available here.
- Learn more about 9/11 and the secret societies likely involved in this powerful lesson from the free Insight Course.
- Explore inspiring ideas on building a brighter future by reading this short essay.
- Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and recommend this article on key news websites so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.
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