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The fasting diet CAN keep you young: Harvard study explains how plans like the 5:2 protect your cells from aging
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Daily Mail (One of the UK's most popular newspapers)

Daily Mail (One of the UK's most popular newspapers), November 6, 2017
Posted: November 13th, 2017

Intermittent fasting can keep the body young at a cellular level. Researchers at Harvard found that temporarily restricting diet keeps the mitochondria an important part of the cell to health aging in homeostasis, which in turn helps to improve lifespan. Last year, Newcastle University research confirmed the crucial role of the mitochondria in human cell aging, and therefore, the aging of our bodies. Mitochondria break down carbohydrates and fatty acids, giving energy to the cell. For this reason, they are often referred to as the powerhouses of our cells. The Newcastle University researchers found that without their aged mitochondria, cells appeared younger. Mitochondria exist in two states, and when they are alternating appropriately between these two states, they are in homeostasis. The Harvard researchers found that mitochondria stay in homeostasis better when an organism in their study, a nematode worm has an intermittently restricted diet. At the same time, being able to swing as theyre supposed to from one state to the other is key to the longevity-enhancing effects of intermittent fasting. The researchers also found that intermittent fasting helped to coordinate the activities of the mitochondria with peroxisomes, other cell parts that have an antioxidant effect and contribute to longevity. This newfound understanding of how fasting works at a cellular level could be a key to discovering therapies that could be beneficial to extending life expectancies and keeping the body younger.

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