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From Addiction to Academy Founder: Dr Teri DeLane Teaches Kids to Trust
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Daily Good
Posted: May 22nd, 2017
Founder and principal of San Franciscos Life Learning Academy, Dr. Teri Delane says that the success of the school that serves the citys highest-risk, highest-need students can be replicated. The school tracks a 99% graduation rate with 85% of the students going on to college. The kids that do so well here [have] histories of school failure, truancy, arrest and substance abuse. The ones that traditional school settings cant provide for. [Life Learning Academy] has it roots in the Delancey Street Foundation, a well-known San Francisco-based self-help program for drug addicts and ex-offenders. Delane ... has first hand experience of the Delancey Street program - entering the program as an addict herself. Delane incorporated practices of the program that would could be integrated into a school environment: creating community, engagement, leadership, dress code and working toward rewards. And woven through it all is Delanes philosophy. What we do at the school is a circle around the kids with a number of things that have to be included in their lives in order for them to have a full life: education, a job, having money and ... learning how to give back, she said. I teach that the way you get is by giving. Not by sitting around talking about your problems. We dont stay stuck in our past. All the students know Delanes background, see what she has accomplished and witness her giving back every day.
Note: Listen to an interview with this amazing school's founder. Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.