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Morgellons Mystery: No Medical Explanation for Crawling Skin Disease
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Time Magazine

Time Magazine, January 26, 2012
Posted: January 31st, 2012

The symptoms of the bizarre illness known as Morgellons are enough to make your skin crawl. For patients who say they are suffering from the condition, that sensation is all too real. Sufferers report feeling that bugs are crawling all over their skin or just under it. They have fatigue and painful sores. They also say that theyve pulled fibers and other solid materials ... through their skin, leaving lesions, according to new research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The new study a $600,000 project launched in 2008 in response to a massive swell of interest and inquiries about the condition from lawmakers and patients sought to determine how common Morgellons is. The new findings suggest that their symptoms may exist only in their minds. CDC researchers took skin biopsies and urine and blood samples to look for infectious diseases, including bacteria or fungus, that could explain the illness. There were none. They looked for environmental causes too, and couldnt find any. Although the CDC report concluded that no medical explanation for Morgellons can be found, the paper confirms what anybody who has ever seen a patient with this knows, which is that these patients are suffering greatly and their suffering is real; they shouldnt be dismissed, Jason Reichenberg, director of dermatology at the University of Texas Southwestern-Austin, told USA Today.

Note: Remember that the Feds also insisted Lyme disease was a delusion for many years. For a list of FAQ on Morgellons, click here. For more on this intriguing phenomenon, click here and here.

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