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NSA review to leave spying programs largely unchanged, reports say
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Posted: December 17th, 2013
A participant in a White House-sponsored review of surveillance activities described as shameful an apparent decision to leave most of the National Security Agencys controversial bulk spying intact. Sascha Meinrath, director of the Open Technology Institute, said [on December 13] that ... The review group was searching for ways to make the most modest pivot necessary to continue business as usual. Should the review groups report resemble descriptions that leaked ... the report does nothing to alter the lack of trust the global populace has for what the US is doing, and nothing to restore our reputation as an ethical internet steward, said Meinrath, who met with the advisory panel and White House officials twice to discuss the bulk surveillance programs that have sparked international outrage. Leaks about the review groups expected recommendations to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal strengthened Meinrath and other participants long-standing suspicions that much of the NSAs sweeping spy powers would survive. The Times quoted an anonymous official familiar with the group saying its report says we cant dismantle these programs, but we need to change the way almost all of them operate. According to the leaks, the review group will recommend that bulk collection of every Americans phone call data continue, possibly by the phone companies instead of the NSA, with tighter restrictions than the reasonable, articulable suspicion standard for searching through them that the NSA currently employs.
Note: For more on massive government intrusions of citizens' privacy, see the deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources available here.
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