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Roger Stones New Book Solves JFK Assassination: Johnson Did It!
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Daily Beast/Newsweek
Posted: May 21st, 2013
The colorful GOP consultant Roger Stone is out with The Man Who Killed Kennedy. Roger Stone has had a long and colorful career in the darker undersides of Republican politics, from working on Richard Nixons Committee for the Re-Election of the President, to helping bring down New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Stone lays the half-century-old murder at the feet of Kennedys vice president, who Stone claims had John F. Kennedy murdered and then as president used those powers to cover up the murder. Johnson is facing jail, ruin, and the end of his political career. He is a very desperate man. Johnson knows that he is about to be indicted. He knows that Life magazine is going to publish an expos regarding his relationship with Bobby Baker [a Johnson protg accused of bribery]. After Kennedys death, Life magazine spikes the story. Johnson knows that [John F.] Kennedy has told a number of people, before leaving Washington, that he will dump Johnson and take Terry Sanford, then the governor of North Carolina, for vice president. Hes got a set of hearings coming up about his relationship to Billie Sol Estes [a Johnson ally later jailed for fraud]. Nixon, Stone says, had a long relationship with Jack Ruby, dating back to the time Nixon served on the House Un-American Activities Committee. There, Stone says, Ruby acted as an informant at Johnsons request. Stone is vague when asked to lay out exactly how Johnson was able to organize a team of assassins in Dallas for Nov. 22, 1963, but said the Dallas police force and the Secret Service were complicit.
Note: For a powerful episode of the History Channel's "Men Who Killed Kennedy" presenting undeniable evidence Johnson was involved with JFK's assassination, click here.
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