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Public Displays of Meditation
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Utne Reader Magazine

Utne Reader Magazine, July 29, 2011
Posted: September 24th, 2013

It was the om heard round the world. Yesterday in 108 citiesfrom London to Los Angeles, Hong Kong to Houston, Barcelona to Birmingham, and moreMedMob groups participated in large-scale displays of meditation. Playing off of the flash mob concept, in which strangers organize online, arrange to meet at a specific time and place, and then perform an unexpected public act, MedMob members delight in presenting meditation in a surprising, inclusive way, says Shambhala Sun. MedMobs goals: 1. To create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation. 2. To expose the world to meditation through public display of meditation. 3. To come together as a global community to send positive intentions out into the world. 4. To show that leading by example is the best way to lead. Simple acts can stimulate major paradigm shifts in thinking. The MedMob movement, which began in Austin early this year, is for everyone, reports David Telfer McConaghay for elephant journal. Telfer assures us that passers-by do not need to believe in hippy-dippy feel-goodery to participate in meditation, whether in a group or alone. The goal is not to attain some state of illusory bliss, then wander around all day in a disconnected daze with a silly grin, he writes. The goal (if meditation can be said to have a goal) is to allow the naturally arising chaos and distractions of the mind to settle and fade so that we can act and make choices with greater intention and clarity.

Note: For more on this inspiring movement, see For a treasure trove of great news articles which will inspire you to make a difference, click here.

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