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Try something new to stop the days whizzing past, researchers suggest
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Guardian (One of the UK's Leading Newspapers)

Photograph: Sergi Boixader/Alamy

The Guardian (One of the UK's Leading Newspapers), April 22, 2024
Posted: May 26th, 2024

If every day appears to go in a blur, try seeking out new and interesting experiences, researchers have suggested, after finding memorable images appear to dilate time. Researchers have previously found louder experiences seem to last longer, while focusing on the clock also makes time dilate, or drag. Now researchers have discovered the more memorable an image, the more likely a person is to think they have been looking at it for longer than they actually have. Prof Martin Wiener, co-author of the study ... said the findings could help develop improve artificial intelligence that interacts with humans. Writing in the journal Nature Human Behaviour, Wiener and colleagues described how they showed scenes of six different sizes and six different levels of clutter to participants for between 300 and 900ms, and asked them to indicate if they thought the duration was long or short. Participants were more likely to think they had been looking at small, highly cluttered scenes – such a crammed pantry – for a shorter duration than was the case, whereas the reverse occurred when people viewed large scenes with little clutter. More memorable images were processed faster. What’s more, the processing speed for an image was correlated with how long participants thought they had been looking at it. “When we see things that are more important or relevant, like things that are more memorable, we dilate our sense of time in order to get more information,” Wiener said.

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